Will Bed Bugs Die in the Washer?


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Have you ever been concerned about the possibility of bed bugs hiding away in your home? If so you may be wondering if it is possible to get rid of them through a simple wash in the washing machine.

The short answer is yes but there is a bit more to it than that.

In this blog post we will explore the idea of whether or not bed bugs can be killed in the washer and the nuances that come along with it.

Can Bed Bugs Survive a Wash Cycle?

Yes a bed bug can survive a wash cycle.

This is because bed bugs are incredibly resilient and can survive temperatures as low as 46°F (8°C).

This means that a typical home washing cycle which generally runs between 65°F (18°C) and 85°F (30°C) may not be hot enough to kill the bed bugs.

Can Hot Water Kill Bed Bugs?

The good news is that hot water is an effective way to kill bed bugs.

Water that is hotter than 120°F (48°C) is enough to kill bed bugs.

The important thing to note is that the hot water needs to come into contact with the bed bugs so it is important to ensure that the water is reaching every nook and cranny of the item that is being washed.

In addition it is important to note that not all washing machines can reach temperatures this high.

Will Drying Kill Bed Bugs?

While drying clothes and other items in the dryer can help to kill bed bugs it is important to note that the dryer needs to reach a temperature of at least 140°F (60°C) in order to effectively kill the bugs.

This is because most dryers will not reach temperatures higher than 120°F (48°C).

What is the Best Way to Kill Bed Bugs?

The best way to kill bed bugs is to use a professional pest control service.

These services can use the right combination of chemicals and treatments in order to effectively eradicate bed bugs from your home.

This can be a costly process but it is the most effective way to get rid of the bugs.

Heat is Key

Heat is one of the most effective ways to kill bed bugs.

One of the advantages of using a washer to kill them is that the intense heat of the drying cycle can be used to your advantage.

However the temperature level needed to kill bed bugs varies depending on the type of washer you’re using.

Most front-load washing machines are capable of reaching temperatures high enough to kill bed bugs but this isn’t always the case with top-loading washers.

Additionally the temperature needed to kill bed bugs is higher than the temperature needed to clean clothes so you may want to consider investing in a washer with adjustable temperature settings.

Other Factors to Consider

In addition to the heat there are other factors to consider when attempting to use a washer to kill bed bugs.

For example the length of time the bedding is in the washer can play a role in how effective the process is.

Bed bugs can hide in crevices and seams of bedding so it’s important to make sure that a long enough cycle is used to adequately reach all areas.

It’s also important to keep in mind that bed bugs can survive in the washer and later make their way back onto the bedding.

For this reason you may want to consider using an insecticide or other treatment in addition to the heat of the washer to ensure the bed bugs are eliminated.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion it is possible to use a washer to kill bed bugs.

However it’s important to remember that the type and temperature of the washer as well as the length of the cycle can all play a role in how effective the process is.

Additionally it may be necessary to use additional measures such as insecticides in order to ensure the bed bugs are eradicated.

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