Can You Dry Shoes in a Dryer?


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It is technically possible to dry shoes in a dryer but it is generally not a good idea.

Shoes can be made out of a variety of materials including leather fabric rubber and even synthetic materials.

Each of these materials will respond differently to the high heat of a dryer and some materials could end up being damaged by the dryer’s heat.

The heat of a dryer could also cause the glue used to hold the shoe together to deteriorate leading to a weakened shoe.

Additionally the heat from a dryer could cause the leather to crack and the rubber to become brittle.

The high temperature of a dryer could also cause the fabric of the shoe to shrink making the shoe too small to wear.

Finally drying shoes in a dryer could void the warranty on the dryer.

This is because the extra strain on the dryer caused by the weight of the shoes could cause damage to the machine.

The Risks

The biggest risk of trying to dry shoes in a dryer is that it can cause permanent damage to the material.

Leather for instance is a delicate material and can easily be ruined in a dryer.

In fact the heat and tumbling motion of the dryer can actually cause the leather to crack and fade.

In addition the dryer can also damage the stitching and other parts of the shoe.

The heat can cause the threads to fray and the tumbling motion can cause the shoe to stretch out of shape.

Washing and Drying

If you do decide to try and dry your shoes in a dryer then make sure that you only do so after washing them first.

This will help to reduce the risk of damage as the dirt and grime will be washed away leaving the material in a better condition for the dryer.

It’s also important to use a low temperature setting on the dryer as this will help to reduce the risk of damage.

You should also use a low-tumble setting as this will help to reduce the agitation on the material.

Final Word

So can you dry shoes in a dryer? The answer is yes but it’s important to do so with caution.

Make sure you consider the material and type of shoe and make sure you follow the washing and drying instructions above.

With the right precautions you can dry your shoes in the dryer – but it’s always better to err on the side of caution.

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