What Washer Setting for Towels?


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The perfect washer setting for towels isn’t something that’s easy to answer in a one-size-fits-all way.

Different types of towels require different settings and you should also consider your own preferences and the types of machines you have available.

Luckily there are a few basic tips you can use to make sure you’re using the right settings for your towels.

Select the Right Cycle

The most important factor when it comes to washing towels is to select the right cycle.

Generally it’s best to use a “normal” or “heavy” cycle for towels as this will give them a deep clean and make sure any germs or dirt are removed.

Additionally some machines have a “towel” cycle specifically designed for the purpose of washing towels so this is another good option.

Choose the Right Temperature

When it comes to the temperature setting for washing towels the ideal option will depend on the type of material your towels are made from.

For example synthetic towels can be washed in warm water while natural fiber towels should be washed in cold water.

Hot water should generally be avoided as it can damage the fibers of your towels and cause them to shrink.

Adjust the Spin Cycle

The spin cycle setting is also important for when it comes to washing your towels.

If you set the spin cycle too low your towels won’t dry properly while if you set it too high they can end up wrinkled.

Generally it’s best to use a moderate spin cycle setting that’s neither too low nor too high.

Consider Adding a Fabric Softener

If you want your towels to be as soft and fresh-smelling as possible you may want to consider adding a fabric softener to the rinse cycle.

This can help to make them even softer and can also help to reduce static cling.

Just make sure to check the label of your fabric softener for the proper dilution ratio before adding it to the machine.

Use a Delicate Setting for Delicate Fabrics

Finally if you have any towels made from delicate fabrics such as silk or cashmere it’s best to use a delicate cycle.

This will help to ensure that the fabric is not damaged during the washing process.

Additionally you may want to consider hand washing these types of fabrics for the best results.

By following these basic tips you should be able to find the perfect washer setting for your towels.

Remember different fabrics will require different settings so it’s important to take the time to read the care labels and determine the best settings for each type of fabric.

Taking the time to find the right settings for your towels can help to ensure that they come out clean and looking great every time.