What Washer Setting for Bedding Is Best?


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Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you look at all the different settings on your washing machine? It can be hard to know which cycle to choose when you need to wash your bedding.

Have no fear! In this blog we’ll discuss the best washing machine settings for bedding so you can be sure your bedding comes out clean and fresh.

Factors to Consider

When it comes to washing bedding there are a few factors to consider before deciding which setting to use.

The type of bedding the fabric the size of the load and any stains present are all important considerations.

It’s also important to think about what type of washing machine you have as different machines have different settings.

Cold or Warm?

The temperature of the water is an important factor when washing bedding.

Generally it is best to use a warm or cold wash for bedding.

Hot water can cause colors to fade and shrink fabric so it’s best to avoid it.

If you’re washing whites and light colored items you should opt for a warm wash.

For dark colors a cold wash is best.

This will help protect the colors from fading.

Regular Cycles

For most bedding a regular cycle is the best option.

The regular cycle includes a pre-wash and wash cycle rinsing and spinning.

This setting is adjustable to the type of fabric and the level of soiling so you’ll be able to customize it to suit your bedding.

This cycle is best for sheets pillows blankets and comforters.

Delicate Cycles

If you’re washing bedding made from more delicate fabrics such as lace silk or satin then a delicate cycle is the best option.

This setting is gentler than regular cycles and will prevent fabric damage.

However this setting is not as effective at removing dirt and grime so you may need to use a pre-wash cycle to remove stubborn stains.

Hand-Wash Cycles

If you’re washing bedding made from particularly delicate fabrics such as lace silk or satin then a hand-wash cycle is the best option.

This setting is gentlest of all and prevents fabric damage but it is also the least effective at removing dirt and grime so it should only be used in cases of delicate fabrics.

Specialized Cycles

If your bedding is particularly heavily soiled or stained then you may want to consider using a specialized cycle.

Specialized cycles are designed to remove tough stains and grime and can be adjusted to the type of fabric and the level of soiling.

However these cycles are the harshest of all and can cause damage so you should use them with caution.

Load Size

It’s important to consider the size of the load when washing bedding.

If the load is too large it can put unnecessary strain on the machine and can cause damage to the bedding.

It’s best to keep the load size small and to add additional loads if necessary.

Stain Removal

Stains can be a tricky issue when it comes to washing bedding.

If you have a particularly stubborn stain you may need to pre-treat it before washing.

Using a stain remover specifically designed for the fabric of your bedding is the best option.

You can then use the delicate cycle on your washing machine to get the best results.


When it comes to washing bedding there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

It’s best to use a warm or cold wash on your bedding depending on the color.

A delicate cycle is also the best setting to use and the load size should be kept small.

If there are any stubborn stains pre-treating them before washing is recommended.

Following these tips will ensure your bedding comes out looking clean and fresh.

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