How to Wash Hey Dudes: A Step-by-Step Guide


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Hey Dudes are a popular and comfortable shoe brand that many people love to wear.

However, like all shoes, they can get dirty and must be washed.

Washing Hey Dudes properly can help keep them looking and feeling great for longer.

When washing Hey Dudes, it’s essential to know what materials they are made of.

Most Hey Dudes can be safely cleaned in water, but it’s important to avoid washing suede, leather, and wool materials.

To get started, remove the laces and insoles from the shoes to prevent tangling and damage.

Liquid detergent is recommended for washing Hey Dudes, as powdered detergent can cause irritation.

Use a small amount of detergent and cold water to wash the shoes, and avoid using bleach or fabric softener.

Once the shoes are clean, air dry them rather than putting them in the dryer.

Following these simple steps, anyone can keep their Hey Dudes looking and feeling great.

Understanding Hey Dudes

Hey Dudes is a famous brand of shoes known for their comfort and versatility.

They come in various styles, including slip-ons, boots, and sandals, and are made from different materials such as canvas, leather, suede, and wool.

Hey Dudes are also known for their memory foam insoles, which provide added comfort to the wearer.

When cleaning Hey Dudes, it’s important to understand the material type of the shoe and the level of dirtiness.

Most Hey Dudes can be safely cleaned in the water, except for suede, leather, and wool-type materials.

In such cases, it is recommended to use a soft bristle brush to remove dirt and stains.

Before washing Hey Dudes, removing the laces and insoles is essential.

Laces may get tangled, and memory foam insoles will ruin in the wash.

Once removed, the shoes can be washed in the washer with cold water and minimal liquid laundry detergent.

Running a delicate or light cycle is recommended to avoid damaging the shoes.

After washing, Hey Dudes should be air-dried away from direct sunlight.

It’s important not to use a dryer or any heat source to dry the shoes, as it may cause the shoes to shrink or warp.

Pre-Wash Preparation

Before washing Hey Dude shoes, it is important to take a few steps to ensure that they are cleaned properly and without damaging the shoes.

Here are some pre-wash preparation steps to follow:

Remove Laces and Insoles

The first step is to remove the laces and insoles from the shoes.

Laces may get tangled and memory foam insoles will ruin in the wash.

This will also help to ensure that the shoes are cleaned thoroughly and that no dirt or grime is left behind.

Remove Dirt and Mud

Before washing, remove any excess dirt or mud from the shoes.

This can be done by using a soft-bristled brush or a soft toothbrush to gently scrub away any dirt or mud.

Be careful not to scrub too hard as this can damage the shoes.

Treat Stains

If the shoes have any stains, it is important to treat them before washing.

This can be done by using a stain remover or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing gently with a soft-bristled brush.

Check for Specific Care Instructions

It is important to check the care instructions for your specific Hey Dude shoes before washing them.

Some materials may require special care, such as suede, leather, and wool type materials.

If your shoes require special care, be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the shoes.

By following these pre-wash preparation steps, you can ensure that your Hey Dude shoes are cleaned thoroughly and without damage.

Choosing the Right Detergent

When it comes to washing Hey Dudes, choosing the right detergent is crucial to ensure that the shoes are cleaned properly without causing any damage.

There are several types of detergents available in the market, including liquid detergent, mild detergent, laundry detergent, and powdered detergent.

While most detergents can be used to clean Hey Dudes, it is recommended to use a mild detergent or liquid detergent.

Powdered detergents can cause irritation and may not dissolve properly, leaving residue on the shoes.

Additionally, using a laundry detergent that contains bleach or fabric softeners can damage the shoes and cause discoloration.

One popular liquid detergent that is safe to use on Hey Dudes is the Dawn Powerwash.

It is a gentle yet effective detergent that can remove dirt, stains, and odor without damaging the shoes.

The foam-based detergent creates soap suds that penetrate deep into the fabric, lifting dirt and grime from the shoes.

When using a detergent to wash Hey Dudes, it is important to use the right amount.

Using too much detergent can leave residue on the shoes, while using too little may not clean the shoes properly.

Follow the instructions on the detergent bottle to ensure that the right amount is used.

In summary, when choosing a detergent to wash Hey Dudes, it is best to use a mild or liquid detergent.

Avoid using powdered detergents, laundry detergents with bleach or fabric softeners, and be mindful of the amount of detergent used.

The Dawn Powerwash is a popular choice that is safe and effective for cleaning Hey Dudes.

Hand Washing Hey Dudes

Hand washing Hey Dudes is a great option for those who want to take extra care of their shoes.

It is also preferred for those who do not want to use a washing machine.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Remove the laces and insoles from the shoes.
  2. Prepare a container with cold or lukewarm water.

    Avoid using hot water as it can damage the shoes.
  3. Add a small amount of mild detergent to the water.

    Mix the detergent with the water until it is well-dissolved.
  4. Dip a soft brush, such as a suede brush or a nail brush, into the soapy water and gently scrub the shoes.

    Pay attention to the areas that are particularly dirty.
  5. Rinse the shoes with cold water until all the soap is removed.
  6. Use a cloth or towel to gently remove excess water from the shoes.

    Do not wring the shoes as it can damage the shape.
  7. Stuff the shoes with newspaper or paper towels to help them retain their shape.
  8. Leave the shoes to air dry away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

It is important to note that hand washing Hey Dudes requires more time and effort than machine washing.

However, it is a gentler option that can help prolong the life of the shoes.

When choosing a brush, it is important to use a soft bristle brush to avoid damaging the shoes.

A nail brush can be used for tough stains, but it should be used with caution as it can be abrasive.

Overall, hand washing Hey Dudes can be a great option for those who want to take extra care of their shoes.

By following the steps above, one can effectively clean their shoes without damaging them.

Machine Washing Hey Dudes

Hey Dudes can be washed in a washing machine, but it is important to follow the proper steps to avoid damaging the shoes.

First, remove the laces and insoles from the shoes and place them in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase.

This will prevent them from getting tangled or damaged during the wash cycle.

Next, place the shoes in the washer.

It is recommended to wash Hey Dudes on a delicate or gentle cycle to prevent any damage to the shoes.

Make sure to use cold water to avoid shrinkage or warping.

When it comes to detergent, a small amount of liquid detergent or dish soap can be used.

Powdered detergent should be avoided as it can cause irritation.

After the wash cycle is complete, remove the shoes from the washer and let them air dry.

It is important to never put Hey Dudes in the dryer as the heat can damage the shoes.

Overall, machine washing Hey Dudes is a simple process as long as the proper steps are followed.

By using a gentle cycle, cold water, and a mild detergent, Hey Dudes can be cleaned without any damage to the shoes.

Drying Hey Dudes

Once the Hey Dudes have been washed, the next step is to dry them properly.

There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that they dry correctly and avoid damage to the shoes.

Air Dry

The best way to dry Hey Dudes is to air dry them.

After washing, remove any excess water by gently squeezing the shoes or using a towel.

Then, stuff the shoes with paper to help them keep their shape and absorb moisture.

Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area and allow them to dry naturally.

It is important to avoid direct sunlight as it can cause the shoes to fade or become discolored.

Using a Dryer

It is not recommended to use a dryer to dry Hey Dudes.

The heat can cause damage to the shoes and cause them to shrink or lose their shape.

If you must use a dryer, use a low heat setting and place the shoes in a laundry bag or pillowcase to protect them from the machine.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause Hey Dudes to fade or become discolored.

It is important to avoid leaving the shoes in direct sunlight while they are drying.

Instead, place them in a shaded area or indoors where there is no direct sunlight.

Removing Moisture

After washing and air drying Hey Dudes, it is important to remove any remaining moisture.

This can be done by gently patting the shoes with a towel or allowing them to air dry for a little longer.

It is important to ensure that the shoes are completely dry before wearing them again to avoid any discomfort or damage to the shoes.

Overall, drying Hey Dudes properly is important to ensure that they maintain their shape and last longer.

Air drying is the best method, and it is important to avoid using a dryer or leaving the shoes in direct sunlight.

Maintaining Hey Dudes

Hey Dudes are comfortable and stylish shoes that require proper care to maintain their quality.

Cleaning them regularly is essential to keep them looking good and smelling fresh.

Here are some tips on how to care for your Hey Dudes:

Cleaning Hey Dudes

Cleaning Hey Dudes is a simple process that involves removing dirt and stains from the shoes.

The first step is to remove the laces and insoles from the shoes.

Laces may get tangled, and memory foam insoles will ruin in the wash.

Once the laces and insoles are removed, use a soft-bristled brush or a soft toothbrush to brush away dirt and debris from the shoes.

Next, dampen a soft cloth and gently buff out any dirt or stains.

For stubborn stains, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar or use a leather cleaner if the shoes are made of leather.

For wool shoes, use a wool wash.

Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a clean, damp cloth.

For scuff marks, use a magic eraser to gently rub the affected area.

Do not use a magic eraser on suede shoes as it can damage the material.

Drying Hey Dudes

After cleaning the shoes, it is essential to dry them correctly to prevent damage.

Avoid using a dryer or heating source to dry Hey Dudes.

Instead, stuff the shoes with paper towels or newspaper to absorb excess moisture and let them air dry away from sunlight.

Storing Hey Dudes

When not in use, store Hey Dudes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Avoid storing them in a damp or humid area as it can cause mold or mildew to grow on the shoes.

In summary, proper care and maintenance of Hey Dudes are necessary to keep them looking good and smelling fresh.

Regular cleaning, correct drying, and proper storage are essential to prolong the life of the shoes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Hey Dudes stay in top shape for a long time.

Dealing with Specific Issues

Hey Dudes are known for their comfort, style, and durability.

However, they are not immune to specific issues that can arise, such as odor, color fading, shrinking, warping, and mold.

Here are some tips to help you deal with these specific issues.


If your Hey Dudes are starting to smell, you can try the following:

  • Sprinkle baking soda inside your shoes and let it sit overnight.

    Baking soda absorbs odors and can help to freshen up your shoes.
  • Use a shoe deodorizer spray to help eliminate odors.
  • Wash your shoes regularly, as dirt and sweat can contribute to odors.

Color Fading

If you want to prevent color fading, try these tips:

  • Avoid exposing your shoes to direct sunlight for extended periods of time, as this can cause colors to fade.
  • Wash your shoes in cold water and avoid using bleach or harsh detergents that can cause colors to fade.
  • Consider purchasing Hey Dudes in darker colors, as they are less likely to show signs of fading.

Shrinking and Warping

If your Hey Dudes have shrunk or warped, try the following:

  • Avoid washing your shoes in hot water or drying them in a dryer, as this can cause them to shrink or warp.
  • Use a shoe stretcher to help reshape your shoes back to their original size and shape.
  • If your shoes are severely warped, it may be time to replace them.


If you notice mold growing on your Hey Dudes, take the following steps:

  • Remove any excess dirt or debris from your shoes.
  • Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the affected area.

    Let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  • Allow your shoes to dry completely before wearing them again.

Overall, taking care of your Hey Dudes is important to ensure they last as long as possible.

By following these tips, you can help prevent specific issues and keep your shoes looking and feeling great.

Storing Hey Dudes

Proper storage of Hey Dudes can help extend their lifespan and keep them looking their best.

Here are some tips on how to store your Hey Dudes:

Keep Them in a Cool, Dry Place

When storing Hey Dudes, it’s important to keep them in a cool, dry place.

This will help prevent moisture from building up inside the shoes, which can lead to mold and mildew.

Avoid storing Hey Dudes in damp areas such as basements or garages.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause the color of Hey Dudes to fade and can also cause the material to become brittle and crack over time.

To prevent this, it’s best to store Hey Dudes in a place where they won’t be exposed to direct sunlight.

Use Shoe Trees

Shoe trees are a great way to help maintain the shape of Hey Dudes while they’re in storage.

They can also help absorb any moisture that may be present inside the shoes.

When using shoe trees, make sure to choose ones that are the correct size for your Hey Dudes.

Stuff Them with Newspaper

If you don’t have shoe trees, you can also stuff your Hey Dudes with newspaper to help them maintain their shape.

This will also help absorb any moisture that may be present inside the shoes.

Store Them Separately

When storing Hey Dudes, it’s best to keep them separated from other shoes to prevent them from getting scuffed or damaged.

You can use shoe boxes or cloth bags to store them.

Just make sure to label the boxes or bags so you can easily find the pair you’re looking for.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your Hey Dudes looking great for years to come.

Understanding the Warranty

Hey Dude shoes come with a limited warranty from the manufacturer.

It is essential to understand the warranty policy to ensure that you do not void it accidentally.

According to the Hey Dude shoes warranty policy, the warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase.

If you discover any defect in your Hey Dude shoes during this period, you can contact the manufacturer for a replacement or a refund.

However, it is important to note that the warranty does not cover any damage caused by external factors such as accidents, abuse, or improper use.

It also does not cover normal wear and tear, modifications, unauthorized repairs, or failure to follow the product instructions or perform any preventive maintenance.

To make a warranty claim, you need to provide proof of purchase and contact the Hey Dude shoes customer service team.

The team will then evaluate your claim and determine whether it is covered by the warranty.

If you have any questions about the Hey Dude shoes warranty policy, you can check out the FAQ section on their website.

The FAQ section provides answers to common questions about the warranty and other Hey Dude shoes-related topics.

In summary, understanding the Hey Dude shoes warranty policy is crucial to ensure that you can take advantage of it if you need to.

Make sure to follow the product instructions and take good care of your Hey Dude shoes to avoid voiding the warranty accidentally.


In conclusion, washing Hey Dude shoes is a simple process that can help extend their lifespan.

Whether one opts for machine washing or hand washing, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging the shoes.

For machine washing, one should remove the laces and insoles, wipe off any dirt or mud, and wash the shoes on a delicate cycle using cold water and a small amount of liquid detergent.

On the other hand, hand washing involves filling a bucket with cold to lukewarm water and adding a tiny amount of liquid detergent.

The shoes should then be submerged and scrubbed gently before being rinsed and air-dried.

In addition to washing, it is also important to deodorize Hey Dude shoes to eliminate any unpleasant odors.

This can be achieved by sprinkling baking soda inside the shoes and leaving it overnight before shaking it out the next day.

Alternatively, one can use specialized shoe deodorizers or sprays.

Overall, washing Hey Dude shoes is a simple and straightforward process that can help keep them looking and smelling fresh.

By following the correct washing and deodorizing techniques, one can ensure that their Hey Dudes last for a long time.

Hey Dudes are a popular and comfortable shoe brand that many people love to wear.

However, like all shoes, they can get dirty and need to be washed.

Knowing how to wash Hey Dudes properly can help keep them looking and feeling great for longer.

When it comes to washing Hey Dudes, it’s important to know what materials they are made of.

Most Hey Dudes can be safely cleaned in water, but it’s important to avoid washing suede, leather, and wool materials.

To get started, remove the laces and insoles from the shoes to prevent tangling and damage.

Liquid detergent is recommended for washing Hey Dudes, as powdered detergent can cause irritation.

Use a small amount of detergent and cold water to wash the shoes, and avoid using bleach or fabric softener.

Once the shoes are clean, air dry them rather than putting them in the dryer.

By following these simple steps, anyone can keep their Hey Dudes looking and feeling great.

Understanding Hey Dudes

Hey Dudes are a popular brand of shoes known for their comfort and versatility.

They come in various styles, including slip-ons, boots, and sandals, and are made from different materials such as canvas, leather, suede, and wool.

Hey Dudes are also known for their memory foam insoles, which provide added comfort to the wearer.

When it comes to cleaning Hey Dudes, it’s important to understand the material type of the shoe and the level of dirtiness.

Most Hey Dudes can be safely cleaned in the water, except for suede, leather, and wool type materials.

In such cases, it is recommended to use a soft bristle brush to remove dirt and stains.

Before washing Hey Dudes, it’s essential to remove the laces and insoles.

Laces may get tangled, and memory foam insoles will ruin in the wash.

Once removed, the shoes can be washed in the washer with cold water and a minimal amount of liquid laundry detergent.

It’s recommended to run a delicate or light cycle to avoid damaging the shoes.

After washing, Hey Dudes should be air-dried away from direct sunlight.

It’s important not to use a dryer or any heat source to dry the shoes, as it may cause the shoes to shrink or warp.

Overall, Hey Dudes are comfortable and versatile shoes that require proper care to maintain their quality.

Understanding the material type and level of dirtiness is crucial when it comes to washing Hey Dudes.

By following the recommended cleaning instructions, Hey Dudes can be kept clean and in good condition for a long time.

Pre-Wash Preparation

Before washing Hey Dude shoes, it is important to take a few steps to ensure that they are cleaned properly and without damaging the shoes.

Here are some pre-wash preparation steps to follow:

Remove Laces and Insoles

The first step is to remove the laces and insoles from the shoes.

Laces may get tangled and memory foam insoles will ruin in the wash.

This will also help to ensure that the shoes are cleaned thoroughly and that no dirt or grime is left behind.

Remove Dirt and Mud

Before washing, remove any excess dirt or mud from the shoes.

This can be done by using a soft-bristled brush or a soft toothbrush to gently scrub away any dirt or mud.

Be careful not to scrub too hard as this can damage the shoes.

Treat Stains

If the shoes have any stains, it is important to treat them before washing.

This can be done by using a stain remover or a mixture of water and vinegar.

Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing gently with a soft-bristled brush.

Check for Specific Care Instructions

It is important to check the care instructions for your specific Hey Dude shoes before washing them.

Some materials may require special care, such as suede, leather, and wool type materials.

If your shoes require special care, be sure to follow the instructions carefully to avoid damaging the shoes.

By following these pre-wash preparation steps, you can ensure that your Hey Dude shoes are cleaned thoroughly and without damage.

Choosing the Right Detergent

When it comes to washing Hey Dudes, choosing the right detergent is crucial to ensure that the shoes are cleaned properly without causing any damage.

There are several types of detergents available in the market, including liquid detergent, mild detergent, laundry detergent, and powdered detergent.

While most detergents can be used to clean Hey Dudes, it is recommended to use a mild detergent or liquid detergent.

Powdered detergents can cause irritation and may not dissolve properly, leaving residue on the shoes.

Additionally, using a laundry detergent that contains bleach or fabric softeners can damage the shoes and cause discoloration.

One popular liquid detergent that is safe to use on Hey Dudes is the Dawn Powerwash.

It is a gentle yet effective detergent that can remove dirt, stains, and odor without damaging the shoes.

The foam-based detergent creates soap suds that penetrate deep into the fabric, lifting dirt and grime from the shoes.

When using a detergent to wash Hey Dudes, it is important to use the right amount.

Using too much detergent can leave residue on the shoes, while using too little may not clean the shoes properly.

Follow the instructions on the detergent bottle to ensure that the right amount is used.

In summary, when choosing a detergent to wash Hey Dudes, it is best to use a mild or liquid detergent.

Avoid using powdered detergents, laundry detergents with bleach or fabric softeners, and be mindful of the amount of detergent used.

The Dawn Powerwash is a popular choice that is safe and effective for cleaning Hey Dudes.

Hand Washing Hey Dudes

Hand washing Hey Dudes is a great option for those who want to take extra care of their shoes.

It is also preferred for those who do not want to use a washing machine.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Remove the laces and insoles from the shoes.
  2. Prepare a container with cold or lukewarm water.

    Avoid using hot water as it can damage the shoes.
  3. Add a small amount of mild detergent to the water.

    Mix the detergent with the water until it is well-dissolved.
  4. Dip a soft brush, such as a suede brush or a nail brush, into the soapy water and gently scrub the shoes.

    Pay attention to the areas that are particularly dirty.
  5. Rinse the shoes with cold water until all the soap is removed.
  6. Use a cloth or towel to gently remove excess water from the shoes.

    Do not wring the shoes as it can damage the shape.
  7. Stuff the shoes with newspaper or paper towels to help them retain their shape.
  8. Leave the shoes to air dry away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

It is important to note that hand washing Hey Dudes requires more time and effort than machine washing.

However, it is a gentler option that can help prolong the life of the shoes.

When choosing a brush, it is important to use a soft bristle brush to avoid damaging the shoes.

A nail brush can be used for tough stains, but it should be used with caution as it can be abrasive.

Overall, hand washing Hey Dudes can be a great option for those who want to take extra care of their shoes.

By following the steps above, one can effectively clean their shoes without damaging them.

Machine Washing Hey Dudes

Hey Dudes can be washed in a washing machine, but it is important to follow the proper steps to avoid damaging the shoes.

First, remove the laces and insoles from the shoes and place them in a mesh laundry bag or pillowcase.

This will prevent them from getting tangled or damaged during the wash cycle.

Next, place the shoes in the washer.

It is recommended to wash Hey Dudes on a delicate or gentle cycle to prevent any damage to the shoes.

Make sure to use cold water to avoid shrinkage or warping.

When it comes to detergent, a small amount of liquid detergent or dish soap can be used.

Powdered detergent should be avoided as it can cause irritation.

After the wash cycle is complete, remove the shoes from the washer and let them air dry.

It is important to never put Hey Dudes in the dryer as the heat can damage the shoes.

Overall, machine washing Hey Dudes is a simple process as long as the proper steps are followed.

By using a gentle cycle, cold water, and a mild detergent, Hey Dudes can be cleaned without any damage to the shoes.

Drying Hey Dudes

Once the Hey Dudes have been washed, the next step is to dry them properly.

There are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that they dry correctly and avoid damage to the shoes.

Air Dry

The best way to dry Hey Dudes is to air dry them.

After washing, remove any excess water by gently squeezing the shoes or using a towel.

Then, stuff the shoes with paper to help them keep their shape and absorb moisture.

Place the shoes in a well-ventilated area and allow them to dry naturally.

It is important to avoid direct sunlight as it can cause the shoes to fade or become discolored.

Using a Dryer

It is not recommended to use a dryer to dry Hey Dudes.

The heat can cause damage to the shoes and cause them to shrink or lose their shape.

If you must use a dryer, use a low heat setting and place the shoes in a laundry bag or pillowcase to protect them from the machine.

Avoiding Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause Hey Dudes to fade or become discolored.

It is important to avoid leaving the shoes in direct sunlight while they are drying.

Instead, place them in a shaded area or indoors where there is no direct sunlight.

Removing Moisture

After washing and air drying Hey Dudes, it is important to remove any remaining moisture.

This can be done by gently patting the shoes with a towel or allowing them to air dry for a little longer.

It is important to ensure that the shoes are completely dry before wearing them again to avoid any discomfort or damage to the shoes.

Overall, drying Hey Dudes properly is important to ensure that they maintain their shape and last longer.

Air drying is the best method, and it is important to avoid using a dryer or leaving the shoes in direct sunlight.

Maintaining Hey Dudes

Hey Dudes are comfortable and stylish shoes that require proper care to maintain their quality.

Cleaning them regularly is essential to keep them looking good and smelling fresh.

Here are some tips on how to care for your Hey Dudes:

Cleaning Hey Dudes

Cleaning Hey Dudes is a simple process that involves removing dirt and stains from the shoes.

The first step is to remove the laces and insoles from the shoes.

Laces may get tangled, and memory foam insoles will ruin in the wash.

Once the laces and insoles are removed, use a soft-bristled brush or a soft toothbrush to brush away dirt and debris from the shoes.

Next, dampen a soft cloth and gently buff out any dirt or stains.

For stubborn stains, mix a solution of equal parts water and white vinegar or use a leather cleaner if the shoes are made of leather.

For wool shoes, use a wool wash.

Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a clean, damp cloth.

For scuff marks, use a magic eraser to gently rub the affected area.

Do not use a magic eraser on suede shoes as it can damage the material.

Drying Hey Dudes

After cleaning the shoes, it is essential to dry them correctly to prevent damage.

Avoid using a dryer or heating source to dry Hey Dudes.

Instead, stuff the shoes with paper towels or newspaper to absorb excess moisture and let them air dry away from sunlight.

Storing Hey Dudes

When not in use, store Hey Dudes in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Avoid storing them in a damp or humid area as it can cause mold or mildew to grow on the shoes.

In summary, proper care and maintenance of Hey Dudes are necessary to keep them looking good and smelling fresh.

Regular cleaning, correct drying, and proper storage are essential to prolong the life of the shoes.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Hey Dudes stay in top shape for a long time.

Dealing with Specific Issues

Hey Dudes are known for their comfort, style, and durability.

However, they are not immune to specific issues that can arise, such as odor, color fading, shrinking, warping, and mold.

Here are some tips to help you deal with these specific issues.


If your Hey Dudes are starting to smell, you can try the following:

  • Sprinkle baking soda inside your shoes and let it sit overnight.

    Baking soda absorbs odors and can help to freshen up your shoes.
  • Use a shoe deodorizer spray to help eliminate odors.
  • Wash your shoes regularly, as dirt and sweat can contribute to odors.

Color Fading

If you want to prevent color fading, try these tips:

  • Avoid exposing your shoes to direct sunlight for extended periods of time, as this can cause colors to fade.
  • Wash your shoes in cold water and avoid using bleach or harsh detergents that can cause colors to fade.
  • Consider purchasing Hey Dudes in darker colors, as they are less likely to show signs of fading.

Shrinking and Warping

If your Hey Dudes have shrunk or warped, try the following:

  • Avoid washing your shoes in hot water or drying them in a dryer, as this can cause them to shrink or warp.
  • Use a shoe stretcher to help reshape your shoes back to their original size and shape.
  • If your shoes are severely warped, it may be time to replace them.


If you notice mold growing on your Hey Dudes, take the following steps:

  • Remove any excess dirt or debris from your shoes.
  • Mix equal parts water and white vinegar in a spray bottle and spray the affected area.

    Let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe clean with a damp cloth.
  • Allow your shoes to dry completely before wearing them again.

Overall, taking care of your Hey Dudes is important to ensure they last as long as possible.

By following these tips, you can help prevent specific issues and keep your shoes looking and feeling great.

Storing Hey Dudes

Proper storage of Hey Dudes can help extend their lifespan and keep them looking their best.

Here are some tips on how to store your Hey Dudes:

Keep Them in a Cool, Dry Place

When storing Hey Dudes, it’s important to keep them in a cool, dry place.

This will help prevent moisture from building up inside the shoes, which can lead to mold and mildew.

Avoid storing Hey Dudes in damp areas such as basements or garages.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

Direct sunlight can cause the color of Hey Dudes to fade and can also cause the material to become brittle and crack over time.

To prevent this, it’s best to store Hey Dudes in a place where they won’t be exposed to direct sunlight.

Use Shoe Trees

Shoe trees are a great way to help maintain the shape of Hey Dudes while they’re in storage.

They can also help absorb any moisture that may be present inside the shoes.

When using shoe trees, make sure to choose ones that are the correct size for your Hey Dudes.

Stuff Them with Newspaper

If you don’t have shoe trees, you can also stuff your Hey Dudes with newspaper to help them maintain their shape.

This will also help absorb any moisture that may be present inside the shoes.

Store Them Separately

When storing Hey Dudes, it’s best to keep them separated from other shoes to prevent them from getting scuffed or damaged.

You can use shoe boxes or cloth bags to store them.

Just make sure to label the boxes or bags so you can easily find the pair you’re looking for.

By following these simple tips, you can help keep your Hey Dudes looking great for years to come.

Understanding the Warranty

Hey Dude shoes come with a limited warranty from the manufacturer.

It is essential to understand the warranty policy to ensure that you do not void it accidentally.

According to the Hey Dude shoes warranty policy, the warranty covers defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 30 days from the date of purchase.

If you discover any defect in your Hey Dude shoes during this period, you can contact the manufacturer for a replacement or a refund.

However, it is important to note that the warranty does not cover any damage caused by external factors such as accidents, abuse, or improper use.

It also does not cover normal wear and tear, modifications, unauthorized repairs, or failure to follow the product instructions or perform any preventive maintenance.

To make a warranty claim, you need to provide proof of purchase and contact the Hey Dude shoes customer service team.

The team will then evaluate your claim and determine whether it is covered by the warranty.

If you have any questions about the Hey Dude shoes warranty policy, you can check out the FAQ section on their website.

The FAQ section answers common questions about the warranty and other Hey Dude shoe-related topics.

Understanding the Hey Dude shoes warranty policy is crucial to ensure that you can take advantage of it if you need to.

Ensure to follow the product instructions and take good care of your Hey Dude shoes to avoid accidentally voiding the warranty.

To Summarize:

In summary, washing Hey Dude shoes is a simple process that can help extend their lifespan.

Whether one opts for machine washing or hand washing, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid damaging the shoes.

For machine washing, one should remove the laces and insoles, wipe off any dirt or mud, and wash the shoes on a delicate cycle using cold water and a small amount of liquid detergent.

On the other hand, hand washing involves filling a bucket with cold to lukewarm water and adding a tiny amount of liquid detergent.

The shoes should then be submerged and scrubbed gently before being rinsed and air-dried.

In addition to washing, it is also important to deodorize Hey Dude shoes to eliminate any unpleasant odors.

This can be achieved by sprinkling baking soda inside the shoes and leaving it overnight before shaking it out the next day.

Alternatively, one can use specialized shoe deodorizers or sprays.

Overall, washing Hey Dude shoes is a simple and straightforward process that can help keep them looking and smelling fresh.

By following the correct washing and deodorizing techniques, one can ensure that their Hey Dudes last for a long time.

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