How To Prevent Clothes From Shrinking?


📊 11 Laundry Statistics & Trends (2019-2029)

We’ve all experienced the frustration of our favorite shirt or pair of jeans shrinking in the wash.

Shrinking clothes can ruin your favorite outfits and force you to replace items more often.

Thankfully, there are ways you can prevent shrinking and keep your clothes fitting just right wash after wash.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the top tips and tricks for stopping clothes shrinkage.

Why Do Clothes Shrink?

Before we dive into prevention methods, let’s look at why clothes shrink in the first place.

Shrinkage occurs when the fibers in fabric lose their elasticity.

Heat, agitation, and hot water cause the fibers to tighten up and contract.

Natural fibers like cotton and wool are especially prone to shrinkage.

Synthetic fibers like polyester tend to be more shrink-resistant.

The amount of shrinkage depends on the material blend, construction, and weave pattern.

Higher thread counts and tighter weaves shrink more.

Garments that are prestretched by manufacturers shrink less.

Preshrunk clothing labels indicate the material has been pretreated, but shrinkage can still occur.

Now that we know why shrinkage happens, let’s look at the best ways to fight it.

With the right washing methods and drying practices, you can keep clothes fitting perfectly for longer.

Washing Machine Tips For Preventing Shrinkage

The washing machine spin cycle generates friction that can cause clothing fibers to tighten and contract.

Here are some easy adjustments you can make to your washing routine:

Wash in Cold Water

Wash your clothing in the coolest water possible.

Lukewarm or cold water allows fibers to relax and maintains the garment’s original shape.

Hot water causes more aggressive shrinking.

When possible, use the cold water setting.

Skip the Agitator

Washing machines with agitators generate more friction and manipulate clothing fibers more.

This motion promotes shrinkage.

Look for a washing machine with an impeller or other gentle motion technology.

Or bypass the agitator by putting clothes in a mesh bag.

Fill With Care

Don’t overload the washing machine.

Overcrowding causes excess friction between garments.

Leave space for clothes to move freely through the water.

The proper level is usually around 3/4 full.

Use a Gentle Wash Cycle

Harsher wash cycles generate too much agitation.

Opt for the delicate or permanent press setting, even for sturdy cottons and linens.

The gentle action helps items retain their fit.

Stop Shrinking With Proper Drying

The heat and motion of drying can also cause fabrics to shrink up.

Follow these guidelines for keeping clothes shrink-free in the dryer:

Shake Well

Give clothing a quick shake before placing in the dryer.

Shake items individually to release wrinkles and loosen fibers.

Smoothing everything out helps prevent shrinkage during tumbling.

Low Heat Is Best

High temperatures make fibers contract faster and tighter.

Always use the lowest heat setting appropriate for the fabric.

Delicates should be dried on low.

Sturdy cottons and linens can go on medium.

Stop the Cycle Early

Don’t let items over-dry.

They should come out of the dryer slightly damp.

This gives fibers a chance to relax.

Check on progress and remove clothes before they are completely dry.

Air Dry When Possible

Skip the dryer completely and air dry items to prevent heat damage.

Hang delicates and loosely knit materials to allow fibers to settle back to their original length as they dry.

Use Dryer Balls

Wool or rubber dryer balls help separate clothing and allow air to circulate.

They bounce around gently to cut down on friction between fabrics during tumbling.

Additional Tips for Avoiding Shrinkage

Here are a few more tricks for keeping your wardrobe shrink-free:

Skip the Fabric Softener

Liquid softeners and dryer sheets make fabrics feel nice and fluffy.

However, they can coat fibers and make them heat sensitive and prone to shrinking.

Play it safe by skipping these additives.

Wash Before Wearing

Preshrink new clothing by washing in cold and drying on low before wearing for the first time.

This preps the fibers and prevents a shocking shrink down the road.

Read the Care Label

Follow all washing instructions on the garment care tag.

Symbols indicate proper water temperature, drying method, and if items are preshrunk.

Heeding this guidance prevents unwanted shrinkage issues.

Stretch It Out

Gently stretch knits back into shape while damp.

For cotton t-shirts and sweaters, smooth edges and lightly pull to coax the material back to size.

Don’t over stretch; let it air dry relaxed but not taut.


By making small adjustments to how you wash and dry everyday wardrobe items, you can add years to their lifespan and prevent shrinking.

Cool water, low dryer heat, and air drying options are simple and effective ways to keep clothes fitting perfectly over time.

Follow these tips to keep your favorite t-shirts, jeans, dresses, sweaters, and other go-to pieces looking their best.