How Much Homemade Laundry Detergent Per Load?


📊 11 Laundry Statistics & Trends (2019-2029)

Depending on the size of the load and the concentration of the detergent the amount used can vary significantly.

But by understanding the basics of laundry detergent and its usage you can find the sweet spot of detergent amount that works best for you.

Generally speaking you will need less homemade laundry detergent than you would a store-bought variety.

But how much is “less”?

If you’re using a powdered detergent you’ll need about 2 tablespoons per load.

For liquid detergent use about 1/4 cup per load.

It’s always a good idea to read the instructions on the label of your homemade detergent to get an accurate measurement.

You may need to adjust the amount of detergent depending on the size of your load and the hardness of your water.

For example if your water is very hard you may need to use a bit more detergent than usual.

Soft water on the other hand requires less detergent.

It’s also important to note that homemade detergents are generally not as effective as store-bought detergents so you may need to use more of it for an effective clean.

If you’re not sure how much to use start with a smaller amount and then adjust as needed.

Factors to Consider

When deciding how much homemade laundry detergent to use per load there are a few factors to consider.

The first is the size of the load.

If you’re washing a full load of clothes you’ll need to add more detergent than if you’re washing a small load.

The second factor is the concentration of the detergent.

If you’re using a highly concentrated homemade detergent you’ll need to use less per load than if you’re using a less concentrated one.

The third factor is the type of fabric being washed.

Delicate fabrics require a gentler detergent than more durable fabrics so you’ll need to adjust accordingly.

Using the Right Amount

Once you’ve taken into consideration the size of the load and the concentration and type of fabric you can start to experiment with the amount of detergent needed.

Start by adding a little bit more than you think you need as this will ensure that your clothes get a good clean.

If the clothes come out too soapy simply reduce the amount of detergent used for the next load.

If there are still some stains or dirt spots increase the amount until you get the desired results.

Keep in mind that the type of water being used also affects the performance of homemade detergents so if you’re using hard water you may need to add a bit more detergent.


When it comes to the amount of homemade laundry detergent to use per load there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.

Different factors such as the size of the load the concentration of the detergent and the type of fabric being washed will affect the amount needed.

The best way to determine the right amount is to experiment a bit and adjust as needed.

With a bit of trial and error you’ll soon find the right amount of detergent for your laundry needs.