Does the Washer or Dryer Shrink Clothes?


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Washing and drying clothes is a necessary part of life.

But have you ever wondered if the washer and dryer can shrink your clothes? It’s a common question and the answer may surprise you.

Can the Washer Shrink Clothes?

In short yes the washer can shrink clothes.

This is because of the mechanics of the washing process.

Washing machines work by agitating the fabric in a mixture of soap and water.

This agitation can cause the fibers in the fabric to “felting” and shrinking.

The more agitation the more likely the clothes are to shrink.

The type of fabric also plays a role in how much it shrinks.

Natural fabrics such as wool are more prone to this felting than synthetic fabrics.

Can the Dryer Shrink Clothes?

The dryer is also capable of shrinking your clothes.

This is because of the high temperatures that the dryer generates.

The heat causes the fibers in the fabric to contract which can lead to shrinkage.

The same rules apply here as with the washer: the more heat and the more agitation the more likely the garment is to shrink.

How to Avoid Shrinking Clothes

If you’re worried about shrinking your clothes there are a few steps you can take to minimize the risk.

First make sure to read the care instructions on the label of the garment.

It will tell you the best settings to use when washing and drying the item.

For example if the garment says to use cold water then you should do so.

Second make sure to use the right settings on your washer and dryer.

If you have a washing machine set it to the gentlest setting possible.

This will help to minimize the agitation and reduce the risk of shrinkage.

If you have a dryer set it to the lowest heat setting to reduce the risk of heat-induced shrinkage.


Both the washer and the dryer can cause clothes to shrink.

The best way to prevent this is to follow the care instructions on the label of the garment and to use the gentlest settings possible on your washer and dryer.

If you take these steps you should be able to reduce the risk of shrinking clothes.