Does Laundry Detergent Kill Lice?


📊 11 Laundry Statistics & Trends (2019-2029)

We’ve all heard the stories of lice infestations and the havoc they can wreak.

As parents we want to keep our kids safe and free from these pesky parasites.

So naturally the question arises: Does laundry detergent kill lice?

The short answer is yes and no.

Let’s take a closer look at how and why.

The Power of Hot Water

One of the best ways to kill lice is through the use of hot water.

When exposed to temperatures over 130°F (54°C) lice eggs nymphs and adult lice die.

This is why hot water washing and drying are recommended for lice removal.

Laundry detergent can help boost the power of hot water in killing lice.

When combined with hot water laundry detergent can help break up dirt oil and other debris on fabrics that may be harboring lice.

But just because laundry detergent helps with hot water doesn’t mean that using it alone is enough to kill lice.

The Limitations of Detergents

Detergents even when combined with hot water won’t kill all stages of lice.

Lice eggs or nits are particularly resilient since they are encased in a protective shell.

This means that even when exposed to hot water the shell won’t break and the eggs won’t die.

In addition some laundry detergents may contain fragrances or essential oils that can be harmful when used on the skin.

This is why it’s important to read labels carefully and make sure that the detergent you’re using is safe to use on fabrics that come in contact with the skin.

Another factor to consider is that lice can live for 48 hours without a host.

This means that laundering fabrics and items isn’t enough to kill lice.

In most cases you’ll need to physically remove the lice (using a nit comb) and then launder the fabrics.

What Does It All Mean?

Laundry detergent can be a useful tool in killing lice.

When used in combination with hot water laundry detergent can help break up dirt oil and debris that may be harboring lice.

However detergents alone may not be enough to kill lice eggs and using detergents with certain fragrances or essential oils can be harmful.

Ultimately the best way to kill lice is to physically remove them and then launder fabrics.