Does Laundry Detergent Go Bad in Heat?


📊 11 Laundry Statistics & Trends (2019-2029)

This is a question that plagues many of us especially as we’re left to wonder if our beloved detergent has been ruined by a hot humid summer.

It’s a valid concern after all — and the answer isn’t quite as cut and dry as it might first seem.

The Good News: Detergents Stay Effective in Heat

The good news is in most cases your laundry detergents are still effective in the heat.

In fact in some cases they may even be more effective when they’re heated up.

For example laundry detergents with enzymes or oxygen-based bleaches work better when warm.

The Bad News: Detergents Can Become Less Effective

That said there are some cases where heat can cause laundry detergents to become less effective.

While this isn’t necessarily a safety concern it can mean that you won’t get the same level of cleaning power from your detergent as you might expect.

Two Reasons Heat Can Affect Detergents

So why does heat affect detergents? It all comes down to two main factors:


Chemical Reactions

The chemicals in laundry detergents can react differently to heat.

This can affect the detergent’s ability to dissolve in water as well as its ability to effectively clean your clothes.


Loss of Potency

Heat can cause laundry detergents to lose their potency over time.

This means that even if the detergent is still technically effective it may not be as powerful as it once was.

The Bottom Line

Ultimately it’s important to remember that heat can affect the effectiveness of laundry detergents.

However it’s important to note that the effects are often minimal and the detergent will still be effective in most cases.

So don’t worry too much about your detergent degrading in the heat — it should still do its job.

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