Do Laundry Detergents Kill Bacteria?


📊 11 Laundry Statistics & Trends (2019-2029)

Yes laundry detergents can and do kill bacteria.

But like many things in life it’s a bit more complicated and nuanced than that.

In this article we’ll explore the different types of bacteria that laundry detergents can kill and the factors that affect their effectiveness.

The Types of Bacteria Laundry Detergents Can Kill

Not all bacteria are created equal and there are a variety of bacteria that laundry detergents can kill.

gram-negative bacteria and gram-positive bacteria are two of the most commonly targeted with laundry detergents designed to kill both.

Gram-negative bacteria are typically more resilient so detergents designed to kill them must be stronger.

Other types of bacteria that laundry detergents can kill include pseudomonas salmonella and staphylococcus aureus.

These bacteria can range in size and shape but certain laundry detergents can target them all.

Factors That Affect the Effectiveness of Laundry Detergents

While laundry detergents can kill bacteria there are a number of factors that can affect their effectiveness.

The first is the type of laundry detergent being used.

Different types of laundry detergents have different levels of efficacy against bacteria.

Secondly the temperature of the water used can also play a role.

Hotter water is typically more effective at killing bacteria than cold water.

Additionally the type of fabric being washed can also affect the effectiveness of the laundry detergent.

Certain fabrics are more resistant to bacteria than others making them more difficult to clean.

Finally the amount of time the laundry detergent is left to work its magic can also play a role.

Most laundry detergents need a few minutes to effectively kill the bacteria so leaving the detergent on the fabric for too long may be counter-productive.


Laundry detergents can and do kill bacteria.

However it’s important to consider the different types of bacteria the type of laundry detergents being used the temperature of the water the type of fabric being washed and the amount of time the detergent is left on the fabric in order to maximize the effectiveness of the detergent.