Can You Use Laundry Detergent in a Dishwasher?


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No you should not use laundry detergent in a dishwasher.

But there are some nuances to consider so let’s get into the details.

How Laundry Detergent is Different

At first glance laundry detergent and dishwasher detergent may appear to be interchangeable.

But there is a significant difference between the two.

Laundry detergent is designed to work in hot water and remove dirt grease and oil from clothing.

The detergent works by suspending oils and dirt in the water which are then rinsed away.

On the other hand dishwasher detergent is specifically formulated for use in a dishwasher.

It is designed to be low-sudsing and to dissolve in cold water.

It also contains agents that help remove fat oils and grease from dishes.

Why You Should Not Use Laundry Detergent

Given the differences between laundry and dishwasher detergent it should be obvious why you should not use laundry detergent in a dishwasher.

The hot water cycle in a dishwasher will react with the ingredients in the laundry detergent making it difficult to rinse away and leaving a soapy residue on dishes.

The residue left behind by laundry detergent can cause spots and film on dishes making them appear dull and cloudy.

This can also lead to an unpleasant smell in the dishwasher.

Using Dishwasher Detergent

It is important to use the right type of detergent in a dishwasher to ensure that dishes come out clean and free of residue.

Many dishwasher detergents are now formulated with enzymes which help to more effectively remove proteins and starches from dishes.

Be sure to use the proper amount of detergent in the dishwasher to avoid over-sudsing.

Too much detergent can leave a soapy coating on dishes and cause pump failure.


Laundry detergent should not be used in a dishwasher.

While it may seem convenient to use the same detergent for both household tasks it is important to consider the differences between dishwasher and laundry detergent.

Using the wrong type of detergent can lead to a soapy residue on dishes as well as a smelly dishwasher.

It is best to use dishwasher detergent specifically designed for use in a dishwasher.