Can You Use Baking Soda for Laundry Detergent?


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These days it seems like you can use baking soda for almost anything from baking to cleaning.

But can you use baking soda for laundry detergent?

It’s a great question and one that can be answered with a qualified yes.

Baking soda can be used as a laundry detergent substitute in certain situations but it’s important to understand the limitations.

Tackling the Basics

Before you consider using baking soda as an alternative to laundry detergent it’s important to understand the basics of laundry detergent.

Generally speaking laundry detergents contain a combination of surfactants and enzymes which work together to remove dirt and grime from clothes.

Surfactants are molecules that are attracted to both water and oil meaning they can help break down oily dirt and suspend it in the water so it can be washed away.

Enzymes on the other hand are proteins that act as catalysts in the cleaning process.

While both of these ingredients can be effective when it comes to cleaning clothes they also come with their own set of drawbacks.

Some surfactants can be too harsh and can cause skin irritation or clothing damage while some enzymes can be sensitive and become inactive in certain conditions.

Using Baking Soda for Laundry

So where does baking soda fit into all of this? Well baking soda is actually a type of salt and when it’s added to water it can help to reduce the acidity of the water.

This makes it a great choice for removing tough stains as it can help to break them down and suspend them in the water.

However baking soda alone isn’t enough to get your clothes clean.

It’s important to use it in conjunction with other laundry detergents such as those that contain surfactants and enzymes.

This will ensure that you get a deep clean without the risk of skin or clothing damage.

The Pros and Cons of Using Baking Soda for Laundry Detergent

Now that you know the basics let’s take a look at the pros and cons of using baking soda as an alternative to laundry detergent.


One of the biggest advantages of using baking soda is that it’s natural and non-toxic meaning it won’t cause any skin or clothing damage.

It’s also a great option for those with sensitive skin as it will help to reduce irritation.

Additionally baking soda is incredibly affordable and can be easily found in most stores.

This can help to save you money in the long run as you don’t need to buy expensive laundry detergents.


The biggest downside to using baking soda for laundry detergent is that it’s not as effective as traditional detergents.

While it can help to remove tough stains it won’t be as effective as a detergent that contains surfactants and enzymes.

Additionally baking soda can also leave white powdery residue on dark clothes which can be difficult to remove.

As such it’s important to use it sparingly and in combination with other laundry detergents.


So can you use baking soda for laundry detergent? The answer is yes but it’s important to understand the limitations.

Baking soda is a great natural alternative to traditional detergents but it’s not as effective as detergents that contain surfactants and enzymes.

As such it’s important to use it in combination with other laundry detergents.