Can You Put Nike in the Washer?


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It is not recommended to put your Nike shoes in the washing machine regardless of the material.

There are a few exceptions such as if the shoes are made of a synthetic material and come with instructions to machine-wash but this is the exception rather than the rule.

The best way to clean your Nike shoes is to follow the instructions on the label inside the shoe and stick to hand-washing.

This will help ensure that your shoes will stay in good condition and continue to look great for years to come.

The Material

The material of your Nike shoes will be the biggest factor in determining if they’re able to withstand a wash in the washer.

If your shoes are made from leather or suede then it is not recommended to put them in the washer.

The water combined with the tumbling motion will likely cause the material to harden and crack making them unusable.

On the other hand if your Nike shoes are made of some kind of synthetic material such as nylon or polyester then a machine-wash may be possible.

It is important to check the label inside your shoe and look for the care instructions.

If machine-washing is not mentioned then it is best not to risk it.

The Laces

If you have laces made of leather then they should definitely not be put in the washing machine.

The same goes for any metal eyelets or metal tips on the laces.

Also if the laces are not securely tied they may get tangled up in the machine and be difficult to untangle.

On the other hand if your laces are made of a synthetic material and securely tied then you might be able to put them in the washing machine.

However for best results it is recommended to remove them before putting the shoes in the washer.

Checking the Label

The best way to determine if your Nike shoes can be machine washed is to check the label.

All Nike shoes have a care label sewn into the lining.

This label will provide detailed instructions on how to care for the specific type of shoe you are washing.

If the label says “machine washable” then you can be sure that it is safe to put your Nike shoes in the washing machine.

If the label does not specify that the shoes are machine washable then it is best not to risk it.


So can you put Nike shoes in the washing machine? The answer is yes and no.

It depends on the type of Nike shoe and the material it is made from.

The best way to find out if your shoes are suitable for machine washing is to check the care label.

It is always best to err on the side of caution when it comes to washing your Nike shoes.

If the label does not specify that the shoes are machine washable then it is best not to risk it and to hand wash them instead.