Can You Put Memory Foam in the Dryer?


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Memory foam is a popular type of mattress material that is known for its soft cushioned feel and moldability.

It’s also known for its long-lasting comfort and durability which is why it’s become so popular in recent years.

But can you put memory foam in the dryer?

The short answer is no memory foam should never be put in the dryer.

Memory foam is a delicate material that can be easily damaged by the extreme heat of the dryer which can cause it to lose its shape become discolored or even melt.

Additionally the tumbling of the dryer can cause the memory foam to break down leading to a loss in quality and comfort.

Why Can’t Memory Foam Go in the Dryer?

Memory foam is made up of millions of tiny cells that give it its unique properties.

When exposed to extreme heat like that of a dryer these cells can be damaged or destroyed.

This can lead to an uncomfortable mattress surface and can even cause the memory foam to break down prematurely.

When it comes to cleaning memory foam it is best to use a mild detergent and water and spot treat any stains.

Additionally air drying is the best way to clean memory foam as it will help retain the shape of the material and keep it looking like new.

What Happens When You Put Memory Foam in the Dryer?

If memory foam is put in the dryer it could cause a number of issues.

The extreme heat of the dryer can cause the memory foam to lose its shape and become discolored.

Additionally the tumbling of the dryer can cause the memory foam to break down and become lumpy or misshapen.

This can lead to a loss in quality and comfort.

It’s also important to note that putting memory foam in the dryer can be a fire hazard.

Because of the extreme heat the memory foam can start to smolder or even catch on fire.

Can You Put Memory Foam Mattress Toppers in the Dryer?

Memory foam mattress toppers are not recommended to be put in the dryer either.

While they may not be as delicate as a full-sized memory foam mattress they can still be easily damaged by the extreme heat of the dryer.

Additionally the tumbling of the dryer can cause the memory foam to break down leading to a loss in quality and comfort.

When it comes to cleaning memory foam mattress toppers it is best to spot treat any stains with a mild detergent and water.

Additionally air drying is the best way to clean memory foam mattress toppers as it will help retain the shape of the material and keep it looking like new.

How to Care for Memory Foam

To properly care for memory foam you should use a mild detergent according to the instructions on the label.

Memory foam should not be soaked or exposed to water for too long as this can cause it to break down and lose its supportive properties.

Once the cleaning is complete you should air dry the memory foam on a flat surface.

You can use a fan to speed up the drying process but do not use a heat source such as a hairdryer.

The Benefits of Air Drying Memory Foam

Air drying memory foam is not only the safest way to clean it but it also offers some great benefits.

First air drying helps to fluff up the foam which can improve the comfort and support of the mattress.

Second air drying prevents the foam from developing an odor as the heat from a dryer can cause bacteria to grow in the foam which can lead to odors.

Lastly air drying helps to maintain the shape and integrity of the foam over time so your mattress will last for years to come.


When it comes to memory foam it is best to avoid putting it in the dryer.

Memory foam is a delicate material that can be easily damaged by the extreme heat of the dryer which can cause it to lose its shape become discolored or even melt.

Additionally the tumbling of the dryer can cause the memory foam to break down leading to a loss in quality and comfort.

For best results it is best to spot treat any stains with a mild detergent and water and then air dry the material.