Are Laundry Detergent Bottles Recyclable?


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It’s a question everyone has asked at some point or another: are laundry detergent bottles recyclable? The answer is both yes and no.

Understanding why can be a bit confusing but we’re here to set the record straight.

The Basics of Recycling

Before diving into the answer to this specific question it’s important to understand the basics of recycling.

In order for something to be considered recyclable it must be able to be broken down and re-used in some form or fashion.

Not all materials can be recycled and those that can be have certain restrictions.

Recycling Plastic Laundry Detergent Bottles

When it comes to plastic laundry detergent bottles the answer is mostly yes.

Most of these bottles are made out of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) both of which can be recycled.

However there are a few caveats.

1: Check The Number

The first thing you should do is check the number on the bottom of the bottle.

This will tell you what type of plastic it is made of and whether it’s recyclable or not.

If it’s a 1 or a 2 it’s most likely recyclable.

2: Rinse Out The Bottle

You should also make sure the bottle is rinsed out before putting it in the recycling bin.

Any leftover detergent residue can contaminate other recyclables making them un-recyclable.

3: Remove The Pump and Cap

Make sure to remove the pump cap and any other non-plastic parts from the bottle before recycling.

These parts are not recyclable and can cause contamination if left in the bottle.

What To Do With Empty Laundry Detergent Bottles?

When it comes to laundry detergent it’s easy to get caught up in the task of getting your clothes clean.

But what do you do with the empty laundry detergent bottles afterwards?

The good news is that empty detergent bottles don’t need to end up in the trash.

There are plenty of creative and useful ways to repurpose them! Here are a few of our favorite things to do with empty laundry detergent bottles.

  1. Make a flower vase.

    This is a great way to spruce up your home and make use of an empty bottle.

    Just fill it with water and add a few of your favorite flowers.
  2. Create a soap dispenser.

    If you don’t want to use the bottle for flowers you can turn it into a soap dispenser! Just fill it with your favorite liquid soap and use the cap to dispense.
  3. Repurpose it as a watering can.

    If you have a garden or some plants in your home you can use an empty detergent bottle as a makeshift watering can.

    It’s perfect for those hard-to-reach places in your garden!
  4. Use it as a storage container.

    An empty laundry detergent bottle can make a great storage container for anything from marbles to paperclips.

    Just make sure to rinse it out thoroughly before you begin.
  5. Donate it.

    If you don’t have any use for an empty detergent bottle consider donating it to a local charity.

    There are plenty of organizations that accept donations of all kinds including empty bottles!

No matter what you choose to do with your empty laundry detergent bottles you can rest assured that you’re making the most of an otherwise discarded item.

From turning it into a flower vase to repurposing it as a storage container the possibilities are endless!

The Takeaway

So to answer the question: are laundry detergent bottles recyclable? The answer is mostly yes but there are some restrictions.

Make sure to check the number on the bottom of the bottle rinse it out and remove any non-plastic parts before tossing it in the recycling bin.

Doing so will help ensure that your bottle is properly recycled and not just taking up space in a landfill.

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